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荷蘭 NP豆/通心粉/狗骨 強效NO3去除劑 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2014-12-16 12:08:12 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
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荷蘭 NP豆/通心粉/狗骨 強效NO3去除劑

NP 豆 強效NO3去除劑
250ml   HKD149.00
500ml   HKD259.00
1000ml   HKD499.00

NP XL 通心粉/狗骨 強效NO3去除劑
250ml   HKD149.00
500ml   HKD259.00
1000ml   HKD499.00

大量現貨, 歡迎零售, 批發!

NP-reducing BioPellets是一種新型的專業水族濾材。可用與公共水族館、動物園、水產養殖等。這個產品可以保持為珊瑚、魚等生物生長所需的喂食量,而又不影響水質。這一產品為海水養殖需維持大量的營養提供了關鍵性的進步。這些生物包括海金魚、軟珊瑚、海鞘濾等食性動物。


使用荷蘭NP狗骨以前先了解一下自己的魚缸NO3爆紅的大概因素 一般的因數是幾種, 1,主缸水流流動不充分,活石推擠的太嚴實了, 2, 底缸積累的灰塵太多太多, 底缸用搭理的干淨這樣對NO3降低都有幫助的。 如果不善於搭理魚缸和水流流動的話,再好的產品對於不合理的魚缸來說NO3降低也是無稽之談,

How it works

NP-reducing BioPellets是一種生物降解丸,它能有效改善魚缸水質,它是基於immobilization的原理,通過細菌將水中的硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽分解,從而使魚缸水質達到天然海水的水質。

NP-reducing BioPellets是由可分解的生物聚合物組成,可以放置在流沙過濾器或過濾器筒中使用。這些顆粒通過能培養好氧細菌的快速生長,可同時消耗硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽。這些細菌會消耗BioPellets中的碳,同時將氮、磷從硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽中分解出來。這一轉換過程,是BioPellets上的細菌把它們需要的營養NO3、PO4堆積起來消耗掉的過程。 此外,隨著厭氧層的出現,會增進更多的反硝化作用—降低NO3。

剩余的細菌將被濾食性珊瑚和海綿吸收、消化,或被化蛋排出。通常來說,這種“固體Vodka”通常需2~4周左右時間,來培養足夠的細菌,使硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽的含量降低。與直接使用Vodka或糖作為碳源的方法相比,這種方式的主要優點在於BioPellets生物降解丸通過刺激了過濾層中細菌的成長,避免了用Vodka或糖作為碳源時在魚缸裡有可能導致管路堵塞現像。(用糖或Vodka的時候,魚缸中到處都是細菌,當細菌大量繁殖後就有可能堵塞管道。)它們還可抑制藻類的生長,因為依賴 NP-reducing BioPellets生物降解丸生長的細菌能有效抑制那些讓人討厭的藻類。還有一個最顯著的優點,NP-reducing BioPellets生物降解丸會大大節省魚缸日常維護時間,不用每天再計算魚缸需要多少碳的添加量

Image: Overview of biological activity on NP-reducing BioPellets


Product guidelines        
NP-reducing BioPellets生物降解丸可使用過濾桶或流沙過濾器,後者相對效果會更好,並且可以防止碎屑的積累。
使用量劑:0.5~1L的BioPellets用於 500L的水體(12,5-25 fl. oz. for every 100 USG)。

NP-reducing BioPellets生物降解丸去除NO3、PO4是通過被細菌消耗,這就是為什麼每3~6個月需要觀察所被消耗的分量,補充部分新的BioPellets。通過觀查過濾器就可以看出消耗量。不過,這些數據取決於魚缸中飼養生物的數量及喂食量的影響。建議有規律的測量魚缸中硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽的含量,來決定增加或減少BioPellets的使用量劑。




- 保持充足的水通過BioPellets生物丸流動,避免產生硫化氫氣體。
- 使用臭氧和UV將影響生物丸細菌的補充,延長過濾器的成熟時間。一般來說添加細菌培養劑可以緩解這一問題,並縮短過濾器的成熟時間。
- 當在使用BioPellets生物降解丸前,硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽已非常低的情況下,用標准的測試劑可能檢測不出NO3、PO4的下降。

以下列表生物已被證明,使用NP-reducing BioPellets後,在魚缸中生長旺盛的珊瑚、魚。NP-reducing BioPellets不僅可以作為細菌的食物來源,同時也為這些生物提供浮游性食物,以保持這些生物能健康長久的生長

We were the first in the world who provide the novel filtermedia entitled NP-reducing BioPellets to the professional aquarium industry including public aquaria, zoos and aquaculture facilities. This product has been developed for (professional) aquarists who want to supply their aquarium inhabitants with large quantities of feeds without negatively affecting water quality. The husbandry of marine species which require large amounts of nutrition has made a crucial step forward with this new product. Examples of such species are Anthias fish, soft corals such as Dendronephthya sp. and filter feeders such as sea squirts. Don’t get fooled by competitors claiming to have the same product. Most of them contain fillers or even anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants will kill your aquarium inhabitants slowly.

The positive effects of NP-reducing BioPellets on water quality are based on the principle of immobilization. Waste products from the water, mainly nitrate and phosphate, are converted into bacteria. This keeps the aquarium water clean. The new formula NP-reducing BioPellets are composed of 100 % pure biologically degradable polymers that can be placed in a fluidized filter or filter canister. The pellets will allow aerobic growth of bacteria which consequently will consume nitrate and phosphate simultaneously. The bacteria will use up the carbon from the BioPellets, whilst nitrogen and phosphorus are taken from the water as nitrate and (ortho)phosphate. This conversion of organic BioPellets (together with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus) into microbial biomass is called immobilization. In addition, anaerobic layers will develop, resulting in additional denitrification. The surplus of bacteria will be consumed by filter and suspension feeding organisms such as sponges and corals, or skimmed off by a protein skimmer. On average this “solid wodka method” takes 2-4 weeks to give rise to sufficient bacteria to allow nitrate and phosphate levels to drop. The main advantage of this method over using Wodka or sugar as a carbon source is that NP-reducing BioPellets stimulate local growth of bacteria in a filter compartment, instead of all over in the aquarium where they may clog up pipes and hoses. They also prevent the growth of cyanobacteria, as the bacteria growing on NP-reducing BioPellets will compete with these phototrophic nuisance microbes. Finally, NP-reducing BioPellets will save the aquarist a lot of time, as no daily dosages of carbon are required.

How it works
NP-reducing BioPellets are consumed by bacteria, which is why new pellets need to be added every 6-12 months to compensate for digested filtermedia. This can be seen during inspection of the filter or when you measure a increase of nitrates. These figures however depend on aquarium conditions and are strongly influenced by feeding regimes and livestock. Taking regular measurements of both nitrate and phosphate levels in the aquarium is recommended, after which dosages may be increased or decreased. Of Note, NP-reducing BioPellets consist of a higher molecular mass than most competing products resulting in a longer filter retention time and thus requires less frequent refill then other low molecular weight products which are currently being marketed.

Overview of biological activity on NP-reducing BioPellets.

We suggest placing the outlet of the pellet filter in front of a protein skimmer, to limit the amount of bacteria entering the system. This has the additional benefit of increased gas exchange (CO2-removal and O2-addition). The pellets should never be used without sufficient aeration, as this may lead to low oxygen and pH levels, especially during night time. Proper aeration can be established with air pumps and protein skimmers.

The NP-reducing BioPellets will allow more feeding (See figure) and thus more livestock, however, when heavy feeding is required, it is recommended to combine the pellets with standard phosphate adsorbents. The reason for this is that most aquarium feeds contain higher levels of phosphate than is consumed by bacteria, fish and invertebrates, when compared to nitrogen. Some phosphate adsorbents however deplete alkalinity and may reduce pH. Using phosphate adsorbent media based on iron hydroxide does not have this disadvantage.

Example of nitrate and phosphate reduction in experimental 500 L tank set-up with 2 liter of BioPellets. In week 10 we doubled the feed input.

You can't overdose* the NP Reducing BioPellets. Once your filtersystem is working optimal, the number of bacteria fluctuate according to the availability of nitates and phosphates. When the availability of nitrates and phosphates is low, the numbers of bacteria will decrease. When more nitrates and phosphates come available due to eg. feeding the numbers of bacteria will increase again as you can see in the example below.
* When you have high nitrates levels when you introduce the NP Reducing BioPellets to your system, please click here.

Example of availability of nitrates when you introduce the NP Reducing BioPellets. Up from week 9 extra feeding started which cause extra nitrate in the system.

Example of numbers of bacteria after introduction of NP Reducing BioPellets. When most nitrate and phosphate are removed by the bacteria, their numbers will decrease. When more nitrates and phosphates come availeble (up from week 9 in our example) their numbers will increase again. *Number of bacteria fictive.

Cloudy water / Bacteria bloom

Cloudy water or Bacteria bloom occur a couple of days after introduction of the NP Reducing BioPellets. 99% of the bacteria blooms take place when high levels of nitrates, 20ppm or higher, are present. How to solve this problem ?When you measure high nitrate levels in the aquarium please introduce the NP Reducing BioPellets in steps. Start with 25-50% of the volume you want to use. Wait 3-7 days and add some more pellets to your filtersystem. Repeat this untill the desired amount of NP Reducing BioPellets is reached.  

In addition:

·         Maintain sufficient water flow through the BioPellets, to prevent production of hydrogen sulfide gas.

·         The use of ozone and UV will negatively affect bacterial recruitment of the BioPellets and increase the maturation time of the filter. In addition, bacteria which are released from the pellet filter and are not skimmed off before they are released in the main tank, could release their nitrogen and phosphate rich content as a result of bacterial cell death, thus reducing the effectiveness of the pellets. UV, Ozon, sponges or any other systems that will block or inhibit the rapid skimming of bacteria can have this effect.

·         When nitrate levels are high this can result in a bacterial bloom of a couple of days which can negatively effect oxygen levels in your tank. This can be reduced by slowly adding/increasing the BioPellet content of your filter and allow proper aeration of your tank.

·         When nitrate and phosphate are already very low before applying BioPellets, a decrease in these levels may not be detectable with standard aquarium testkits.

·         We also suggest placing the outlet of the pellet filter in front of a protein skimmer, to limit the amount of bacteria entering the system. This has the additional benefit of increased gas exchange (CO2-removal and O2-addition). The pellets should never be used without sufficient aeration, as this may lead to low oxygen and pH levels, especially during night time. Proper aeration can be established with air pumps and protein skimmers.

·        NP-REDUCING BIOPELLETS ARE CERTIFIED FREE OF ANY TOXINS FOR MARINE WATERSYSTEMS BY 2 INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES. Make sure you get the original NP Reducing BioPellets. Our success hasn't been unnoticed by competitors. NP Reducing BioPellets are exclusively distributed by D. van Houten (Import - Export) or by our partner distributors around the world.

Be aware what you get.

The Difference
Our succes with ReefInterests revolutionairy finding of the NP Reducing BioPellets hasn't gone unnoticed by others. We gained some competitors which confirms all the positive aspects of our novel product. However, most of these competitors claim that they sell the same pellets as the NP Reducing BioPellets, or that they come from the same manufacturer. Some even copied our text from the website one on one. The NP Reducing BioPellets are exclusively distributed worldwide by D. van Houten (Import) based in Groningen, The Netherlands. We ship the NP Reducing BioPellets to local distributors who are taking care of the local markets.

Recently, we obtained samples from different competitors and had them analyzed. In addition, we collected data sheets from some manufacturers. The outcome was surprising, some pellets appeared to contain toxic fillers like anti-oxidants which, at high enough dose, could be toxic to aquatic life such as fish, corals and even algae. These toxins will not be released in the water instantly when you introduce these pellets to your system, but will slowly accumulate as a result of pellet degradation by bacteria and toxin stability in water.


Moreover, most look-a-like NP Reducing BioPellets consist of a much lower molecular mass then our NP Reducing BioPellets which results in a lower retention time and thus requires more frequent refilling of the BioPellets.

Please find some examples of these tested pellets:

Please be aware what you put in to your valuable aquarium system. Even if the product looks the same as the NP Reducing BioPellets, it doesn't mean it is the same.

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爬蟲部 電 話 : 3188-5655地 址 : 香港旺角旺角道16號日本信用大廈10樓A室

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水族部 電 話 : 2143-5656 地 址 : 香港旺角旺角道16號日本信用大廈13樓A室
爬蟲部 電 話 : 3188-5655地 址 : 香港旺角旺角道16號日本信用大廈10樓A室

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水族部 電 話 : 2143-5656 地 址 : 香港旺角旺角道16號日本信用大廈13樓A室
爬蟲部 電 話 : 3188-5655地 址 : 香港旺角旺角道16號日本信用大廈10樓A室

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